2D Animation
In January 2016, I started my classes of classic animation, I felt exciting of this class, but my drawing is not one of my strongest skill. However, the class was not really hard because I just learned the basics of 2D animation: jumps, weight, balance, walking, running.
Likewise, the final project was to make a flipbook, 150 pages take as a good hobby.
3D Animation
Subsequently, in February 2016, I started my classes of 3D Animation; the class started with the same principles and projects as 2D Animation. Whereas now I had to create the animations in Maya 2016, and with that, I learned more tools of that software like how to use the graphic editor; how to create buttons; how to key the objects; and, how to make a smooth and good movements.
For the final project, I had to create an animation of a character walking and making any action.
But, I wanted to go further and add the animation of the camera, face expressions, more dramatic positions, slow-in & slow-out, and more than one movement.
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